Welcome to Collmate! |
Overview |
Features, Abilities and Benefits |
Basic concepts and objects |
License Agreement |
User interface |
Understanding user interface |
Collmate main menu |
Dialog windows |
Collection package properties |
Opening protected package |
Item properties |
Collection properties |
Contact properties |
Attribute properties |
Searching for items |
Configuring the list of new items |
Template manager |
Export options |
File list import options |
Wizards |
New collection wizard |
Item(s) move/copy wizard |
Report generation wizard |
Data import wizard |
Tips & Tricks |
Drag & Drop operations |
Handling with a group of items |
Handling with a search results |
Adding a URL to the description of an item |
Quick Search |
Searching for text in item descriptions |
Creating templates from existing collections |
Importing list of files and folders in the item description |
Options |
Automatic backup properties |
Interface language |