Data Import Wizard

Main menu command: Tools » Import...

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The wizard will help you import data from a CSV file into the current collection package. Before you start working with the wizard, you should select the file data from which should be imported into the package as a collection. The new collection will be created in the collection that is active at the moment of importing.


The wizard allows you to do it in a few steps. At any step, you can go back or cancel the operation.



The structure of the file for importing.


At the step you should make sure that the structure of the data for importing is recognized correctly. To do it, use the table showing the first few records from the file that will be imported. Besides, you should specify whether the first record in this file contains field names or data.


Fields for importing.


At this step you need to specify what fields should be imported. The table of correspondences is used for that. The first column contains the list of fields in the file for importing, while the second column contains the types of Collmate fields into which data will be imported.


Collmate field types available for importing:


Item name. Required. For importing to be started, at least one field in the file for importing must be set as the item name. If the "Item name" type is set for several fields, the values of these fields will be separated by spaces and put into the "Name" field of the item.


Attribute. For this field, an item attribute will be created with the corresponding name. The largest possible number of fields imported as attributes is limited to 32.


Description. The values of fields imported as descriptions will be added as separate lines to the item description. The number of such fields is not limited. If the "Add field names to the description" option is enabled, the line added to the description will look as follows (for each field):

[Imported field name]: [imported field value for this record].


[Do not import]. The values of this field will not be imported.



Collection properties.


At this step you should specify a name and an icon for the collection that will be created that will contain imported data.



Finishing data import.


If you need to correct or additionally set up the properties of the imported collection, enable the "Open collection properties" option.


To finish importing, click [OK].



See also

Collection properties