Features, Abilities and Benefits

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Collmate lets you to  store:


Multiple collections in a single file (a package)
Unlimited number of collections in a package
Unlimited number of contacts in a package
Unlimited number of items and enclosed collections in each collection
Up to 32 additional customizable item attributes in every single collection
Up to 4 images for each item
Rich text description  for each item
Detailed indication of the current status of an item


Collmate lets you to do:


Organize collections in the tree
Track the loaned items and those people, who possess them
Move, copy and duplicate items
Collect history of an items and contacts
Search information through collections
Sort items in collections on any available attribute
Create list of novelties through all collections
Create and print reports, item lists and collection catalogs
Export lists of items to HTML and CSV formats
Import data from CSV files
Import directory listings into item description
Create and send list of items to the contacts by e-mail


Collmate provides to you with:


Collection creation wizard
Copy/Move items wizard
Report generator wizard
User report designer
Predefined and user-defined templates of collections (you can use built-in template manager to manage templates)
Data encryption and password protection
Automatic data backup
Data integrity verification
Shell integration
Context help system


Collmate has a multi-language user interface:


Chinese Simplified
Chinese Traditional


To translate the user interface into your native language you don't need to have special skills and tools. All you need is your favorite text editor! Send created language file to us and you'll receive registration key for free.


Other features and benefits of Collmate:


Windows Vista and Windows XP Themes support

Drag and Drop operations support

No database and data access drivers required

No additional system libraries required

Installation and uninstallation

Small size



See also

Basic concepts and objects

Understanding user interface